Laboratory and R&D

Warter Fuels S.A. As part of its research and laboratory activities, Warter Fuels S.A. conducts scientific research, R&D as well as technical and service work in the field of refining and petrochemical industry,  including analytical testing in the accredited laboratory (Accreditation Certificate No. AB 297 issued by the Polish Centre for Accreditation).

Analytical Department

The Analytical Department specialises in analytical research conducted for the petroleum industry, processing and use of petroleum products, related to the processes of production, distribution and use of fuels. The Analytical Department performs, among others:

In addition to the above-mentioned services, the Analytical Department deals with the development of new analytical methods and quality control systems for new or modified products.

R&D Department

The R&D conducts research, implementation and service activities in the field of the petroleum and petrochemical industries. These include service, research and design works. The activities of the Department can be divided into the following areas:

Accreditation Certicifate AB 297 AB 297